Jennifer Braceras

Jennifer Braceras and Emma Waters – Women Against the “Equal Rights” Amendment | High Noon

Jennifer Braceras – SCOTUS Term Roundup and Preserving the Legitimacy of the Court | High Noon

Jennifer C Braceras, IWF - ERA Press Conference

The Caucus features NewBoston Editor Jennifer C. Braceras

At The Bar: Competition: Title IX, Male-Bodied Athletes, and the Threat to Women’s Sports

IWF launches the Independent Women’s Law Center

2019 In Review: Facing The Climate Crisis

2019 In Review: Transit Troubles Abound On The T And Beyond

Is Trump Putting The Institution Of The Presidency At Risk?

Federalist Society's Role In Picking SCOTUS Nominees

2018 Year In Review: What News Story Stuck With You?

The Legendary Story of Yale Women's Rowing & Title IX

Opening the Courthouse Doors to Property Owners

Title IX and the Major Questions Doctrine

At The Bar: Lawyers, Guns, Money, & the 2021-22 Supreme Court Term

At The Bar | Dark Days for Due Process

Government Mandated Corporate Gender Quotas

At The Bar | Another Blockbuster Term for the Supreme Court?

The Battle for the Supreme Court

At The Bar: President Biden's First Supreme Court Pick

US Department of Education Rulemaking: Hiding Regulatory Elephants in Statutory Mouseholes? [ELPC]

The Equal Rights Amendment: Then and Now

Rants & Raves: 04/05/19

2019 In Review: ‘Operation Varsity Blues’